Held on Thursday, 19 August 2021 via Zoom.
Claire Bradburn
Bruce McDonald(Naenae)
The Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 6 May were taken as read.
Moved Claire, Seconded Simon.
BNZ - identification required from Michael and Lynne as operators of the account plus the President and Secretary. Claire will discuss the Banking requirements with BNZ
Membership returns are due by 31st August and Fees due by 15 September.
Moved Michael, Seconded Lynne
Workshop due to be held on Saturday August 21st, due to Covid has been postponed to a later date.
Entries are on the website for the Mixed Doubles Tournament
Moved Michael, Seconded Janet
Christine has prepared a format with either six players or eight players which would be played on the one day. After discussion it was agreed that it would be played with six players per team. Once clubs have sent in their main entry and the numbers are known a further call for entries can go out. If at that time there are more entries than spaces or an odd number (no bye allowed) the additional teams will be selected by ballot. Location to be decided at a later date. .
The Chanticleer will probably be cancelled this season so the money set aside for this would not be used.
Amendment to the budget, the accommodation allowance should read $100 for Tri-Star.
Moved Claire, Seconded Paul
Carried with one abstention.
Claire had been unable to do anything about umpiring but would keep trying. Michael offered to contact Nadine
Michael reported on PNZ. They are working on a policy from PNZ regarding the different levels of Covid and how this would affect tournaments and how many clubs could be used during a lower level. It was noted that while some Clubs could operate at level two others were not allowed to for administrative reasons. PNZ are also looking at the rules surrounding the eligibility of players wishing to enter national competitions.
Meeting dates - 23rd September, 28th October, 9th December, 27th January and 17th March. Clubs were asked to check on the suitability of the dates and bring any feedback to the next meeting on the 23rd September .
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd September, 2021
Meeting closed at 8:45pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary