Held on Thursday, 13 March 2021 via Zoom.
Claire Bradburn
Claire welcomed everybody to the meeting and thanked Simon for taking over the Secretary's position until the AGM.
Hataitai, Masterton.
The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 21 January 2021 were taken as read.
Moved Val, Seconded Claire.
The reason the WPA Triples was changed from Kapiti to Horowhenua was because PNZ were using Horowhenua as a venue for their National Triples Tournament and it was usual to use the same venue, however Kapiti were not advised and an apology was given.
Lynne spoke to Kapiti's letter and the reply to the complaint regarding the way the Interclub Competition was run. Lynne also expressed her Club's appreciation of the work done by Graeme and other members of the tournament Subcommittee. Claire told the meeting that the Tournament Subcommittee would look into how the Interclub could be run in future. She also expressed her disappointment at the behaviour of a Kapiti team member. Lynn apologised for what took place. Michael apologised to Kapiti on behalf of the Tournament Sub-Committee acknowledging there were improvements that could be made.
Christine thought that the Swiss system was a fair way to run a tournament but it would be better to have some software to run it rather than a manual system which was time consuming. Michael spoke to the use of the system noting its suitability for some tournaments and not others.
Correspondence was moved by Claire, seconded by Paul.
Michael asked if there was anybody with a relationship with the BNZ who would be willing to authorise payments. Lynne volunteered for this position. Moved Claire, seconded Michael.
Treasurer's Report: moved, Michael that it be received, seconded Val
There was not the usual Tournament Subcommittee Report but the results of the WPA tournaments are available on the website.
Michael has developed a report format which will be used after every tournament and reviewed by the Tournament Sub-Committee. This will assist the committee to identify the best practices for running tournaments. Any important changes will be brought to the WPA members for consideration.
Michael asked that the draft calendar be withdrawn and the Tournament Sub-Committee to submit another draft calendar as he thought some changes might be required.
Christine questioned the running of the WPA Triples and Michael responded that there was a problem running a two day tournament for a small number of teams. The Tournament Sub-Committee will consider the running of a one day Tournament in future for the WPA Triples. WPA members will be asked for comment.
Nadine is looking at training dates for umpire training.
We are now back to level 1. There are different rules for different venues. Some venues are controlled by the local council and some venues are privately owned. Clubs are asked to advise Claire of the standards for their particular club. Claire will provide guidelines to the Clubs for running tournaments under Covid19.
Janet responded to an email that Horowhenua had received from Lorraine Brock regarding the lease of their club. Levin Council had advised the Horowhenua club that no action would be taken with their lease without a 12 month notice. Janet advised that it was business as usual and they were in a position to hold any tournament allocated to their club. Michael advised that the next PNZ Triples event will be held at Horowhenua in 2022.
Any items wanting to be discussed at the next meeting to be sent to the Secretary to be put on the Agenda.
Easter Mêlée to be held on 3 April.
Nothing to report, everything ticking over nicely.
Have a tournament on 10 April.
Their Swiss Doubles was postponed. The Council have now settled on a plan for the improvement of their terrain and 4 additional pistes will be added. All surrounds will be fenced in and some new shelters built. Membership now 65. The terrains will be out for approximately 2-3 months.
Have 23 players going to the WPA Mixed Doubles and two teams going to the National Club Tournament.
Have a team going to the National Club Tournament.
Claire asked the Clubs to ensure that all the people who should receive information from WPA were listed on the website.
Meeting closed at 8:50pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary