On a cold start to a summer's day Otaki welcomed 55 players to their New Year Mêlée on Saturday the 4th January. Six players shared which made an even draw.
The winner was Alan Frost with five wins. In second place was Carol Knapp with four wins.
Eleven teams took part in the Khandallah Mixed Doubles at the weekend. The format was a four round Snake (Random) draw followed by a single playoff to determine the team's prize.
Each round the team that had the Bye played against tournament director Michael Rocks. To make things interesting they drew a number to determine how many boules Michael played with. Surprisingly, each round it was 4 Boules with Michael winning 2 and losing 3 games.
The final saw the 2022 champions Mary and Brian play against Ingrid and Graham from the HBLTS (Napier). In a tight game, Mary and Brian won 13-12.
Thirty two teams from all over the country took part in the Parkwood Kapiti Open Doubles at the weekend. Each team played five randomly drawn games on Day One with three teams winning all five games.
On Day Two the top sixteen played in four pools for the Trophy and Trophy Consolation. The remaining sixteen played in four pools for the Plate and Bowl.
The trophy was won by Andre Noel and Keelan Noel (Rotorua Academy) who beat John Targett (Christchurch) and Ian Baker (Herne Bay).